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Arma 3 Patch 1.72




  • Added: Malden 2035 terrain
  • Added: Combat Patrol multiplayer scenarios
  • Added: Escape from Tanoa multiplayer scenario*
  • Added: Escape from Malden multiplayer scenario
  • Added: Zeus scenarios for the Malden terrain
  • Added: Community-made billboards
  • Added: New skins for several structures
  • Added: Variants of the in-game whiteboard, sleeved map and paper map (for Tanoa and Malden)
  • Added: Template for Data Link targeting systems (sensors)
  • Added: HUD indication when using 12.7x108mm APDS magazines
  • Added: A visibility condition for the Blackfish horizon indicator
  • Added: Tigris and Cheetah now utilize Data Link
  • Added: Preview video for Jets DLC in the DLC Browser (Shift+P)
  • Added: A water impact effect to the 120mm APFSDS shells (
  • Added: A new "Malden Sand" UI Color preset for Malden DLC
  • Added: Jets Community Guide in-game implementation
  • Added: Dynamic Loadout MFD information for the Neophron and Xi'an aircraft
  • Added: A laser designator indicator for the Xi'an and Blackfish crews
  • Added: Map symbols to several more objects
  • Added: Vehicle turret indicators to the remaining ground vehicles
  • Added: Audio-related memory points for certain structures

* Restrictions apply to those who don't own the Apex expansion.

  • Tweaked: Flight model of the Gryphon plane (incl. fixed stall and better rudder authority)

  • Tweaked: Flight model of the Shikra plane (it should now have improved stability and more correct AoA behavior)

  • Tweaked: Flight model of the Sentinel UCAV (better stability, less maneuverability)

  • Tweaked: Flight model of the Buzzard plane (slightly more power, stability and fun)

  • Tweaked: Ambient animals now seek a hiding spot while it rains
  • Tweaked: The Sentinel could explode when taking off in some cases
  • Tweaked: Ejection is now available only to non-stationary planes (when the Get Out action is not available)
  • Tweaked: Automated wing folding is now only active for planes with their engine(s) on and landing gear down and should be less performance demanding
  • Tweaked: The inverted plane flag proxy was inverted in an incorrect way
  • Tweaked: Spanish Welcome Screens now use a more appropriate separator style
  • Tweaked: AA missile performance
  • Tweaked: Automated tailhook operation for AI is now directly tied to the Landing and LandingCanceled events
  • Tweaked: The Ejection system was refactored to resolve multiple issues
  • Tweaked: Performance of AA missiles was improved
  • Tweaked: AI gunners of the Praetorian were too inaccurate
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setPitchBank function will now restore a moving vehicle's velocity after setting pitch and bank
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_findSafePos function now has a better position selection and blacklisting now supports all area formats
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger function now supports areas in array format and random distribution within an ellipse was improved
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia and BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia functions should now work correctly in MP
  • Tweaked: It is now possible to whitelist users able to access the debug console in multiplayer (
  • Tweaked: When test_EmptyObjectForBubbles, test_EmptyObjectForFireBig and test_EmptyObjectForSmoke are deleted, all their emitters are now deleted automatically
  • Tweaked: The Black Wasp is now more durable
  • Tweaked: Spatial targeting symbology
  • Tweaked: Credits and ORBAT credits were adjusted
  • Tweaked: The hand animation for the Protector SMG was improved
  • Tweaked: Carrier static defenses now partially rely on Data Link from the Praetorian turret (it's the only one with a 360° scan coverage)
  • Tweaked: Wrecks of the MQ-4A and KH-3A UAVs were hovering
  • Tweaked: It is now possible again to mount bombs to the outer pylons of the Wipeout plane (
  • Tweaked: The loadout of the Neophron was adjusted (more bombs can now be carried)
  • Tweaked: The template for the NVSensor is now on par with the LaserSensor (180° / 6km)
  • Tweaked: The Neophron now uses an improved canopy destruction system
  • Tweaked: The LOM 250-G bomb model was resized
  • Tweaked: Geometry of the Modular Bunker (Tall) was improved for better interior deployment
  • Tweaked: The damage model of the Shikra plane was improved
  • Tweaked: The head position of the Xi'an pilot was adjusted to make aiming with rockets easier
  • Tweaked: The gun pod of the Buzzard plane was aligned with its HUD
  • Tweaked: The flight model of the Buzzard plane was overhauled (
  • Tweaked: Filtering of audio elements in the "Play Sounds" Zeus module was improved
  • Tweaked: Planes called by the CAS module will now release counter-measures after finishing the strike (does not apply to bomb strikes)
  • Tweaked: Military Base Wall debris is no longer tilting when destroyed
  • Tweaked: Armor values of the Speedboat were lowered
  • Tweaked: The UCAV Sentinel now unfolds its wings when taking off just like other planes
  • Tweaked: Hitpoints for the Gryphon plane were improved
  • Tweaked: Revive mode is now available in Zeus Game Master scenarios (customizable in the server parameters, off by default)
  • Tweaked: Loudspeakers in the faction Showcase scenarios are now louder
  • Tweaked: The flight model and overall performance of the Shikra jet were overhauled
  • Tweaked: Reduced intensity for the Flora / Fauna / Wind layers in environmental sounds ( - will be further tweaked)
  • Tweaked: Defining a module function as "" no longer triggers an error message
  • Tweaked: Flight models of the Black Wasp and Shikra aircraft
  • Tweaked: Some structures were reconfigured (audio-wise)
  • Tweaked: Garage icons for several vehicles
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_vectorDirAndUpRelative and BIS_fnc_weaponDirectionRelative functions are now optimized
  • Tweaked: The Revive option on units is now disabled if Revive is disabled or non-existent
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_initVehicle function now skips the change of mass when used with a simple object
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass function will now exit if the vehicle is a simple object
  • Tweaked: Unarmed variants of the LSVs no longer display weapon info in the IGUI
  • Fixed: Script error when using the side door of the CH-49
  • Fixed: Footstep sounds on a specific wooden surface were incorrect
  • Fixed: Some machine guns were incorrectly equipped with the FCS (
  • Fixed: Building destruction sound could get delayed in some cases
  • Fixed: Transporting the UGV in the Blackfish was visually incorrect
  • Fixed: An incorrect LOD of the Blackfish was showing when looking via the co-pilot camera
  • Fixed: Canopies from all planes should now float on water a little bit before sinking
  • Fixed: Legs of MB 4WD passengers could clip through the floor
  • Fixed: AI crew of the Cheetah and Tigris would refuse to attack infantry (
  • Fixed: The Falcon UAV's camera in the UAV Terminal was misaligned
  • Fixed: Helicopter Time Trials involving Sling Loading did not always fail when the winch was destroyed
  • Fixed: The Sport Fence was appearing twice in Zeus in some cases
  • Fixed: Jets defense turrets were missing from the Field Manual
  • Fixed: Pylon proxies were not visible in certain resolution LODs
  • Fixed: Vehicle crew were headbanging too hard when firing the 40mm GM (
  • Fixed: The stealth variant of the Black Wasp jet had external pylons available
  • Fixed: Some HMDs were visible when turning to the sides
  • Fixed: Several localization glitches (e.g. the Splendid Camera)
  • Fixed: It was too difficult to shoot through the ruins of Church 02
  • Fixed: The "scriptName" parameter of the BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass function was incorrect
  • Fixed: The pilots of the WY-55 can now lock ASRAAM missiles
  • Fixed: The grenade launcher of the AK12 would be open at incorrect moments
  • Fixed: Brake lights on the Tempest trucks were not working correctly
  • Fixed: The occluder of the Tent Hangar was inverted
  • Fixed: The altitude indicator on the Blackfish was displaying incorrect values

Eden Editor

  • Fixed: A missing string error when placing a trigger with Jets DLC music as an Effects attribute
  • Fixed: Eden Editor marker shapes had an incorrect tooltip text
  • Fixed: The tutorial about scenario attributes contained an incorrect item

The East Wind (potential spoilers)

  • Fixed: There were some floating objects in the Moral Fiber scenario




  • Tweaked: The CallExtension interface was enhanced with a RVVersion function
  • Tweaked: AI boat movement in shallow waters was improved
  • Tweaked: AI plane path-finding at high altitudes was improved
  • Tweaked: AI driving heavy vehicles should not stop for small obstacles anymore
  • Tweaked: Precision of the IntersectWithGround functionality was improved
  • Tweaked: It is now possible to mark Data Link targets using remote sensors
  • Tweaked: The toFixed script command was extended
  • Tweaked: The setUserMFDvalue now supports more parameters
  • Tweaked: The count of "userXX" MFD user values was raised from 10 to 50
  • Tweaked: The MFD variable color is now a simple expression
  • Tweaked: Heavy gunfire situations should now be slightly less performance demanding

Eden Editor

  • Fixed: Layers were not enabled correctly after loading a scenario
  • Fixed: Dynamic Loadouts check boxes in the Attributes were not working correctly in some cases



  • Added: A mod counter for loaded / available mods
  • Added: Escape game type support to Launcher's Server Browser
  • Added: Malden terrain as an option for the -world parameter
  • Tweaked: Automatic re-scan of watched folders is now more specifically targeted and should ignore changes in those folders irrelevant to mods
  • Tweaked: The background color for the Server Browser's filter panel was changed
  • Fixed: When all mods where unloaded while the Launcher was being closed, the mods from the last active preset were loaded (ignoring the unsaved modification done to it)



  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.72)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.72)
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;dlcbundle;dlcbundle2 to your arma3server.exe shortcut

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