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Arma 3 Patch 1.82




  • Added: Tanks DLC*
  • Added: T-140 Angara Main Battle Tank*
  • Added: Nyx Armored Weapons Carrier*
  • Added: Rhino MGS Tank Destroyer*
  • Added: "Altis Requiem" mini-campaign**
  • Added: Showcase Tank Destroyers**
  • Added: TT16: Weasel Run
  • Added: TT17: Shipping and Handling
  • Added: TT18: Hammer Time
  • Added: Fully modeled 3D interiors for armored vehicles
  • Added: Vehicle Customization for armored vehicles
  • Added: Vanguard TDM multiplayer mode
  • Added: 9M135 Vorona manually guided missile launcher
  • Added: MAAWS Mk4 unguided recoilless rifle
  • Added: Tanker Coveralls**
  • Added: Crew Helmet
  • Added: Offroad (AT) variant
  • Added: MB 4WD (AT) variant***
  • Added: MB 4WD (LMG) variant***
  • Added: Prowler (AT) variant***
  • Added: Qilin (AT) variant***
  • Added: Zamak MLR variant (AAF)
  • Added: Repair Depot (Civilian, Green, Tan variants)
  • Added: Concrete Hedgehog (Whole, Disassembled, Half, Palette)
  • Added: Czech Hedgehog (New)
  • Added: Dragon's Teeth (New, Old variants)
  • Added: Dragon's Tooth (New, Old variants)
  • Added: Refueling Hose
  • Added: Tank Bore Sighter
  • Added: Tank Engine (New, Used variants)
  • Added: Tank Road Wheel
  • Added: Tank Sprocket Wheel
  • Added: Tank Tracks (Long, Short variants)
  • Added: Torque Wrench
  • Added: Rhino Wreck
  • Added: Angara Wreck
  • Added: Nyx Wreck
  • Added: Olive variants for the NATO (Pacific) armored vehicles
  • Added: Tanks DLC music tracks
  • Added: 9 new Steam Achievements

* Restrictions apply to those who don't own Arma 3 Tanks DLC.

** Content requires ownership of Arma 3 Tanks DLC.

*** Restrictions apply to those who don't own Arma 3 Apex.

  • Added: 105mm, 120mm and 125mm HEAT shells
  • Added: Titan, Scalpel, Jian, Macer, Sharur, Vorona, Firefist, RPG42, RPG7, MRAAWS, SPG9, Tratnyr, Shrieker (anti-armor variants) and DAGR now use HEAT submunitions
  • Added: Cannon-launched HEAT missiles
  • Added: New interior driver optics for the Gorgon, Marshall, and Marid APCs
  • Added: Top-down missile flight profile for Firefist, Titan, Scalpel, Macer and cannon-launched 120mm MARUK laser-guided missile variant
    Added: Overfly top attack missile flight profile for the PCML launcher
  • Added: DLC Content Browser video tiles for Tanks DLC (and Malden DLC / DLC Bundle 2)
  • Added: Tanks DLC Content Browser section
  • Added: Tanks DLC Welcome Screen
  • Added: Roadway LOD meshes to the underside of the left and right wing of the G4M wreck so that players can walk on them when placed upside down
  • Added: Airbrake meshes for the Buzzard
  • Added: New UI inventory icons for IEDs
  • Added: The AK12 compensator will now be hidden if it has a muzzle attachment
  • Added: Rangefinder to PCML and Titan optics
  • Added: UI control showing the current fire mode for artillery vehicles
  • Added: Gunship helicopter pilots now have pilot cameras
  • Added: Incoming missile warning for all tanks and APCs (base classes)
  • Added: countermeasureActivationRadius (incoming missile warning range) set to 2km for AFVs and 10km for aircraft
  • Tweaked: Sound technology of land vehicles was overhauled
  • Tweaked: Weapon types, munition counts, magazine counts, and magazine reload times in vehicles have been adjusted
  • Tweaked: Jets DLC addons were decrypted to PBO
  • Tweaked: Laws of War DLC addons were decrypted to PBO
  • Tweaked: Laser-guided bombs do not lock on the laser before launch anymore. LGBs are to be dropped using CCIP and they will lock-on after launch (LOAL) automatically.
  • Tweaked: Changes to the Revive system:
    • Players incapacitated in vehicles are no longer automatically killed
    • Incapacitated crew can now be unloaded from their vehicle using a new action
    • Bleeding mechanics and PP effect handling were simplified and optimized
    • Being unconscious under water or in destroyed / burning vehicles makes players bleed 3x faster, to simulate drowning / burning
    • Score handling was fixed:
      • Incapacitating someone now properly triggers score adjustment (+1 for an enemy unit, -1 for a friendly unit)
      • Executing someone doesn't affect score anymore (however it brings a rating penalty, even for enemies)
    • Rating issues were fixed:
      • Rating is now properly adjusted when a unit is incapacitated, executed, revived, or secured
      • Standard kill and team-kill rating adjustments (provided by the game) are also factored in
    • Players can now use a new 'Secure' (hold) action to take an incapacitated enemy out of action in a less violent way
      • Securing doesn't trigger a rating penalty as execution does
    • Reviving animations were added
    • Reviving positioning requirements are now more forgiving
    • Collisions were removed from incapacitated animations on the animation config side; the scripted solution was removed
    • Many minor adjustments and fixes were done
  • Tweaked: Titan laser guidance has been removed
  • Tweaked: Blackfish and gunship helicopters gunners now use FCS instead of CCIP (press 'T' before firing)
  • Tweaked: Friction and bounciness of surfaces - improved sliding and drifting
  • Tweaked: Improved driving characteristics, suspension and PhysX configuration of Kamysh, Kuma, Varsuk, Panther, Zamak, Tempest, Hatchback and Kart
  • Tweaked: HEMMT suspension has been slightly improved (
  • Tweaked: Balancing of armor and penetration across multiple vehicles
  • Tweaked: Penetration materials on all armored vehicle models
  • Tweaked: Armor in config files and fire geometries as well as hit points in the models
  • Tweaked: Slammer UP has its 120mm cannon back
  • Tweaked: The Marshall, Gorgon, Kamysh and Slammer coaxial guns have had their caliber changed to 7.62mm
  • Tweaked: Large vehicle magazines were split into smaller ones
  • Tweaked: Magazine count on MRAPs and APCs has been doubled
  • Tweaked: UGVs now only have a single ammo box ready per weapon
  • Tweaked: Static HMG now has 4x 100rnd magazines instead of 2x 500rnd
  • Tweaked: Cheetah and Tigris AA Titan missile counts and lock CM resistance (
  • Tweaked: Lower LODs of the Syndikat Camouflage uniform were adjusted to prevent clipping
  • Tweaked: Geometry LODs of the Blackfish were improved
  • Tweaked: One part of the Geometry LOD of the Abandoned Hauler was improved to prevent players from clipping into it when crawling underneath
  • Tweaked: Suppressors on the Mk14 should no longer clip into the barrel
  • Tweaked: The position of the muzzle slot proxy on the MK-1 EMR was moved to prevent the suppressor from clipping into the barrel
  • Tweaked: Thermal textures of Darter / Tayran drones were improved
  • Tweaked: Sun reflection on the RHIB glass parts was improved
  • Tweaked: UV mapping of the RHIB in lower LODs was improved to remove some visual artifacts
  • Tweaked: Vehicle weapons dispersion
  • Tweaked: AI usage of vehicle weapons and accuracy (AIDispersionCoef) has been adjusted
  • Tweaked: The muzzle attachment proxies on the AK12, SPAR17, and Cyrus were realigned (
  • Tweaked: The death stare of characters was made a bit more human-like (kudos to taro8 for assisting with it!)
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_effectFiredRocket function (that was recently fixed) is now optimized and tested. Undesired systemChat print was removed (
  • Tweaked: Acceleration sensitive view motion in vehicles was reduced
  • Tweaked: Stricter 6DOF translation limits in APCs and Tanks (base classes)
  • Tweaked: All 120mm magazines can now be used for both cannon_120mm_long and cannon_120mm
  • Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_establishingShot function (used in Showcase scenarios) now supports an optional parameter to control how long it lasts
  • Tweaked: Wood Piles had incorrect materials
  • Tweaked: The vehicle number on the nose and fins of the Blackfish VTOL can now be retextured
  • Tweaked: Bomb glide performance
  • Tweaked: PCML performance and damage
  • Tweaked: Small hit increases of 5.56, 5.80, 5.45 and 12.7x33 calibers
  • Tweaked: Penetration values of lower calibers
  • Tweaked: Increased performance of 20mm HE rounds
  • Tweaked: Fuel capacities of land vehicles are now more consistent across the sandbox
  • Tweaked: The vehicle destruction fire damage radius was significantly reduced
  • Tweaked: It is now possible to make a Hold Action appear on screen only if selected from the action menu
  • Tweaked: The position of the Xian VTOL in Showcase CSAT was adjusted
  • Tweaked: The Revive action is now valid as long as the memory point is on the screen (this should counterbalance the reviving animation movement)
  • Tweaked: Deflection from materials has been reduced (making the deflecting property in ammo the maximum deflection angle)
  • Tweaked: Ricocheting of various shells and bullets has been reduced
  • Tweaked: The gunner entry point on the Sandstorm MLRS is now at the back of the vehicle (instead of the previous right side)
  • Tweaked: Increased magazine reload times for vehicle weapons
  • Tweaked: It is now possible to switch between gunner and passenger seats in the Ghosthawk helicopter
  • Tweaked: Maximal gun elevation for AFV vehicles has been adjusted
  • Tweaked: The precision of AI drivers when completing waypoints has been improved
  • Tweaked: The drone flight model of the Greyhawk has been updated
  • Tweaked: Increased visibility of the weapon reloading bar
  • Tweaked: The static Titan now has a cursor shown in first person view
  • Tweaked: A Hold Action attached to a character now properly works both inside and outside of vehicles
  • Tweaked: The character that has a Hold Action attached is always the target, no matter whether it enters a vehicle or not (no need to use originalTarget)
  • Tweaked: Minor audio tweaks to the Tempest truck
  • Tweaked: Positions of optics proxies on the SPAR-16, SPAR-16 GL and SPAR-16S were adjusted (
  • Tweaked: Tanks, APCs and MRAPs became more capable of firing / detecting / locking targets from hull down positions (added sensorPosition) (
  • Tweaked: The credits have been updated (ORBAT)
  • Tweaked: Slightly reduced projectile deflection randomization
  • Tweaked: Improved Time Trial vehicle reset when starting on sloped terrain
  • Tweaked: Minor improvement to vehicles flipping when colliding sideways with a low obstacle
  • Tweaked: The audible range (AI) of wheeled vehicles, jets and helicopters has been slightly increased
  • Tweaked: Improved geometry of Dirt Humps
  • Tweaked: The PhysX geometry of the MB-4WD was improved to help it deal with obstacles
  • Tweaked: Ground clutter models should now change LODs more smoothly (
  • Tweaked: Offroad's proxies are now part of each Offroad model to prevent different LODs for proxies and the car
  • Tweaked: Naming conventions of the animatedBriefing and animatedOpening functions were updated
  • Tweaked: The jungle camouflage of the M320 and LRPS were too bright compared to the snipers using them
  • Tweaked: Initial view angles in CAS airplanes
  • Tweaked: The exhaust texture of the grey and brown hex variant of the Buzzard should be a bit darker now
  • Tweaked: Added an ejection seat warning decal to Buzzard's AAF camouflage
  • Tweaked: All Katibas now have caseless ammunition chambered (
  • Tweaked: Reduced sway for launchers and binocular items
  • Tweaked: Improved the shadow on the A6M Zero wreck's propeller head
  • Tweaked: The CAR-84, CAR-95-1 and CMR-76 now have improved barrels and flash suppressors in the first resolution LOD
  • Tweaked: The shadows of several dirt humps were improved
  • Tweaked: Several LODs of the Sofa were improved to allow deploying bipods on the back rest
  • Fixed: Alpha sorting of a few pieces of glass was incorrect
  • Fixed: Incorrect texture on the civilian RHIB engine water outlets
  • Fixed: Unlocalized texts in the debug code performance result window
  • Fixed: AI would take dangerous shortcuts from runway to taxiway on Tanoa (
  • Fixed: The 'in vehicle' behavior of the Hold Action feature did not behave correctly
  • Fixed: Characters could glitch through the model of the Slammer MBT in some cases (
  • Fixed: Assault / Rescue boats - switching seats between the driver and other positions was not possible
  • Fixed: The Praetorian, Centurion and Spartan can now be locked by IR-guided weapons (when heated-up by weapon fire)
  • Fixed: AI planes had trouble landing on the USS Freedom carrier
  • Fixed: APCs are now an 'Armor' type of threat for the AI
  • Fixed: Your own weapon's cursor should no longer be displayed in tank / APC interior views
  • Fixed: A rogue selection on the left pylon of the AH-9 helicopter (
  • Fixed: Duplicated light hitpoints for several vehicles
  • Fixed: Dead commanders of the Slammer and Gorgon could stick out of the vehicles
  • Fixed: Missing sounds across several assets
  • Fixed: There was an issue with the transition to incapacitated state in case of a disabled 3rd person view
  • Fixed: Some Chinese font characters were missing (0x59B3, 0x71C4, 0xF98A)
  • Fixed: Small texture error on the AK12 rifle
  • Fixed: Missing keybind shortcuts in the Fixed-Wing (UAV) Field Manual entry
  • Fixed: Rifle inspection revealed that all black MX base and GL rifles were missing the manufacturer decals. These were re-applied.
  • Fixed: Trailing spaces in a named property of some objects (
  • Fixed: Polygons clipping through the front of the HEMTT truck cabin
  • Fixed: Stretched texture in the cockpit of the Caesar BTT wreck model
  • Fixed: The RHIB would still be shown as hot in TI mode when in a destroyed state
  • Fixed: Some faces were missing on the LIM-85's gas tube collar
  • Fixed: On all SPAR rifles the bolt would clip through the receiver when firing or when the weapon was empty
  • Fixed: A selection issue in Hummingbird's FireGeometry LOD
  • Fixed: RPT errors created by FIA ammo boxes
  • Fixed: The glass parts of the Caesar BTT would not hide when in a destroyed state
  • Fixed: There was a floating mesh part in the second LOD of the Syndikat camouflage uniform
  • Fixed: Prowler & Qilin suspension so their wheels are no longer sunk in the ground
  • Fixed: The .50 cal part of the Type 115 gun would eject empty cases even though it uses caseless ammo
  • Fixed: Closed a mesh hole in the lowest LOD of the Ghosthawk
  • Fixed: Some parts of the upper Bergen backpack where weighted to the character's head
  • Fixed: Several holes in the last two LODs of the A6M Zero wreckage were patched
  • Fixed: Several holes on the canopy mesh of the A6M Zero wreckage were patched
  • Fixed: The RCO, MRCO, ARCO and ERCO had an artifact on the lens when the sun was reflected from them
  • Fixed: Light reflection on the Yorris sight was too strong (
  • Fixed: Minor clipping errors on the Bandit Clothes (Polo Shirt) uniform
  • Fixed: Some parts of the Bandit Clothes (Checkered) uniform were missing RVMATs
  • Fixed: Some UVs of the Prowler in lower LODs weren't in their designated spot leading to texture errors
  • Fixed: Players could get stuck when climbing a ladder on the Land_Pier_Box_F structure (
  • Fixed: Shadow was clipping through the Syndikat Camouflage uniform
  • Fixed: Removed the Altis flag from the 2nd LOD of the Syndikat Camouflage uniform
  • Fixed: Minor mismatch of MB 4WD's suspension animations
  • Fixed: Shadow errors on lower LODs of all ground uniforms models
  • Fixed: Incorrect connection of vehicle parts in the shadow LOD of the Blackfish VTOL
  • Fixed: Small hole in the water drain pipes on the RHIB
  • Fixed: Script error connected to the BIS_fnc_effectFiredRocket function (
  • Fixed: Damage to wheels would cause a switch of materials for the whole vehicle
  • Fixed: Suspension diving of the MB 4WD was incorrect when accelerating
  • Fixed: Incorrect durability of Full Ghillie uniforms (
  • Fixed: Some dashboard indicators on the Tempest truck were incorrect
  • Fixed: The Blackfish VTOL was missing propellers in the last two LODs
  • Fixed: Incorrect shadow under the collar of the Syndikat Camouflage Uniform
  • Fixed: Shading errors in lower resolution LODs of the RPG-42 (
  • Fixed: Artifacts on the compass with Ambient Occlusion enabled
  • Fixed: The direction of unit logos on several vehicles was incorrect (
  • Fixed: Alpha sorting of insignias on several uniforms
  • Fixed: The ERCO scopes had an invisible front glass
  • Fixed: Proxies for sight attachments on the AK-12 and AK-12 GL were not properly aligned
  • Fixed: Character collisions with the front of the Van (Service variant) were incorrect
  • Fixed: It was possible to see through the cockpit glass of the Orca helicopter while in thermal view (
  • Fixed: The gear lever in the Ifrit MRAP was behaving erratically for an automatic transmission
  • Fixed: Character collisions with the empty BTR-K were incorrect
  • Fixed: The gear lever in the Strider MRAP was behaving erratically for an automatic transmission
  • Fixed: AI didn't want to use 30mm HE shells against infantry

Tac-Ops Mission Pack (potential spoilers)

  • Added: An autosave after the player calls the infantry to go in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Tweaked: Timing of the guerrilla Gorgon attack was adjusted in the Avenging Furies scenario of the Beyond Hope operation
  • Tweaked: Balance of the fight at the ERV was improved in the LZ Nowhere scenario of the Steel Pegasus operation
  • Tweaked: Post-processing of some voice lines in the Stepping Stone operation was removed
  • Tweaked: Amount of ammo in the player's squad in the Fait Accompli scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Tweaked: It is not possible to save during the intros and outros of the Steel Pegasus operation anymore
  • Tweaked: Anti-Air defense is now better balanced in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Tweaked: Marker size (potential AT defense) in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Tweaked: Behavior of the APC was improved in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Tweaked: Enemy AI skills were lowered in the No Reprieve scenario of the Beyond Hope operation
  • Fixed: Missing string in the LZ Nowhere scenario of the Steel Pegasus operation
  • Fixed: Special Forces roles were not marked as finished in the overview image in the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: The 'Seasoned Warfighter' Steam Achievement could work incorrectly in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Some lines in outros of the operations could overlap
  • Fixed: Incorrect date in the Fait Accompli scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Incorrect speed when clicking map marker links in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: An incorrect artillery support icon in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Players could get stuck after resuming the outro in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Scenario progress could get stuck after resuming an outro of the Beyond Hope operation
  • Fixed: Overlapping texts in the intro and outro sections of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: There was a duplicated conversation in some cases in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Insufficient amount of spare ammo in one of the crates in the Avenging Furies scenario of the Beyond Hope operation
  • Fixed: AI crew would refuse to disembark in some cases in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation
  • Fixed: Re-entering the APC in the beginning of the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation could block the progress of the scenario
  • Fixed: Behavior of the APC and Slammer was tweaked in the Disintegration Point scenario of the Stepping Stone operation

Remnants of War (potential spoilers)

  • Fixed: Incorrect date format in the Remnants of War briefing timeline when playing in French
  • Fixed: The car alarm was not playing when the player stole the SUV or when the earthquake occurred in "The Guerrilla"

The East Wind (potential spoilers)

  • Fixed: An enemy AA unit could have troubles reaching its destination in the Air Superiority scenario

Eden Editor

  • Tweaked: The Basic Civilian Behavior module now also works in the multiplayer environment
  • Fixed: Performance drop when selecting and manipulating multiple entities (
  • Fixed: In Turkish, slider values in Eden Editor's attributes (e.g. Skill or Health) were written as "100%" instead of the correct "%100"
  • Fixed: Animations and textures listed in Eden Editor Garage were not alphabetically sorted
  • Fixed: In Eden Editor Garage, switching to and from to the animations list inverted the state of the selected animations
  • Fixed: In the animations list in the Virtual Garage, the status of animations dependent on other animations was not always shown correctly



  • Added: Extended Damage Model applied to armored vehicles
  • Added: Top-down attack and other missile flight profiles
  • Added: New damageTracks and damageWheels animation sources
  • Added: New setPlateNumber and getPlateNumber script commands
  • Added: The "projection" MFD vector property now supports an additional value (2) (it will use the planar projection - same as projection = 1 - but without FOV scaling)
  • Added: It is now possible to draw a straight line in maps (LCtrl + LShift + RMB)
  • Added: A new "hitPointClass" reflector parameter (when set, the "hitPoint" is ignored, and "hitPointClass" will connect to an existing hitpoint in the vehicle)
  • Added: A new "swayCoef" weapon parameter
  • Added: New OpticsIn & OpticsOut config parameters (overriding memoryPointGunnerOptics) reading direction, pitch and roll from a bone
  • Added: New driverInfoPanelCameraPos and gunnerInfoPanelCameraPos options
  • Added: Shot instigators are propagated to sub-munitions now (
  • Added: A new "headAimDown" parameter for turrets (useful together with "usesPip", in normal turrets still use "initElev")
  • Added: A new "belog" startup parameter (to be used with "netlog" only) for enhanced BattlEye logging
  • Added: A new "plateFont" map config parameter (overrides "fontPlate")
  • Added: New "plateFormat" and "plateLetters" parameters
  • Added: New "missileManualControlCone" parameter for manually guided missiles
  • Added: New "pixelPrecision" parameter (0: default - auto, 1: on, 2: off)
  • Added: New ctrlSetPixelPrecision script command
  • Added: A new "turretworld" MFD vector source
  • Added: The 'Unload incapacitated' action is now unloading the vehicle driver the same way as other units
  • Added: A new "#" script operator (works in the same way same as select, but is shorter to write and has higher priority than math functions)
  • Added: Various environmental sound controllers were enabled for vehicles
  • Added: A new disableMapIndicators script command
  • Added: An ability to define a vehicle's sensor and AI eyes position (sensorPosition)
  • Added: New config parameter hullExplosionDelay as an array of two floats in seconds, for all vehicle types (works only when hullDamageCauseExplosion is true)
  • Added: Sub-munition support for shells
  • Added: New deflectionDirDistribution and penetrationDirDistribution ammunition parameters to configure randomization of projectile trajectory after deflection / penetration
  • Added: A new submunitionInitialOffset ammunition parameter
  • Added: A new submunitionParentSpeedCoef submunition parameter
  • Tweaked: User actions now work if closer than (bounding sphere radius + 15 metres) to the center of an object (
  • Tweaked: The visiblePositionASL, modelToWorldVisual, worldToModelVisual, and getPosVisual script commands now return a more precise position (fewer glitches) for units in vehicles and in the multiplayer environment
  • Tweaked: The getCursorObjectParams command now works with Simple Objects (
  • Tweaked: The "PlateInfos" config parameter now works with armored vehicles
  • Tweaked: The "hiddenSelectionsTextures" parameter now works on magazines (only if the weapon supports the magazine as proxy)
  • Tweaked: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th parameters in the createVehicle script command are now optional
  • Tweaked: Entity locality is now set before the init script call
  • Tweaked: Direct tracked vehicles driving (by WASD keys) was improved
  • Tweaked: MFD vector sources can be used in text elements now (as source = "[x]impactpoint" or source = "[y]impactpoint")
  • Tweaked: Initial angles for interior head tilting are now restricted to first-person view
  • Tweaked: The addAction command now can accept a memoryPoint (
  • Tweaked: Code clean-up and refactoring
  • Tweaked: The third person change of view parameter is now delayed to improve the overall player experience
  • Tweaked: The Steam API DLL was updated to version 1.42
  • Tweaked: Reduced the default time an AI tank driver has to be stuck before turning away and re-planning
  • Tweaked: AI driving wheeled vehicles now prefer roads less when in Combat or Stealth mode
  • Tweaked: Tanks no longer generate exhaust particles when their driver is unconscious
  • Tweaked: Missiles now respect the maxControlRange values
  • Tweaked: Solved radio message spam when directly controlling an armored vehicle as effective commander
  • Tweaked: Radio spam during vehicle commanding was reduced
  • Tweaked: The target aim point for the pilot camera was changed
  • Fixed: Issues with turret locality in multiplayer (
  • Fixed: Game crash (
  • Fixed: Using disableAI "WEAPONAIM" was producing incorrect results
  • Fixed: Warning messages connected to the set3DENMissionAttribute script command were not correct
  • Fixed: The worldToModelVisual script command did not behave correctly
  • Fixed: Potential memory allocation issue on 64-bit game executables
  • Fixed: Incorrect vehicle Dynamic Simulation states near players
  • Fixed: The InitAngleX and InitAngleY parameters were not behaving correctly (HeadAimDown was deprecated for turrets)
  • Fixed: Incorrect swapping of items contained in uniforms (
  • Fixed: Centering of the pilot view was incorrect in one more case
  • Fixed: Particles were 'sliding' when the Splendid Camera was rotating
  • Fixed: The setUnitLoadout command could cause lag / FPS drops when creating entities (
  • Fixed: Incorrect view transition when switching from first to third person view in some vehicles
  • Fixed: The moveOut script command would not be effective on unconscious characters inside vehicles
  • Fixed: The camera could get stuck for unconscious players in the multiplayer environment
  • Fixed: The captureFrame, enableTest, disableTest, logEntities and exportJIPQueue commands were available for voted Dedicated Server administrators
  • Fixed: The 'Unload incapacitated' action could be activated more than once
  • Fixed: Potential CTD connected to multiplayer
  • Fixed: Potential CTD in Zeus
  • Fixed: Some radio messages could get duplicated (
  • Fixed: CTD connected to the actionParams script command (
  • Fixed: Textures would change to a darker shade after shooting a vehicle with a rifle / pistol (
  • Fixed: Displaying non-sea water surfaces could be incorrect when fog was also applied
  • Fixed: AI crew could drive over their commander after he disembarked from a vehicle (the driver now will switch to the Stop mode if he was in the Formation mode)
  • Fixed: Dedicated Server CTD
  • Fixed: The enableWeaponDisassembly script command would not work after loading

Eden Editor

  • Added: "Tanks" tag to Eden Editor
  • Fixed: Markers are now properly hidden using set3DENIconsVisible




  • Added: Support for Tanks DLC



  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.82)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.82)
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;dlcbundle;dlcbundle2 to your arma3server.exe shortcut





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