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Arma 3 Patch 1.94



  • Added: Contact expansion**
  • Added: "First Contact" campaign*
  • Added: Large Alien Entity*
  • Added: Small Alien Entity*
  • Added: Alien Network*
  • Added: Livonia*
  • Added: Livonia terrain objects (natural, props, signs, lamps, power lines, railways, decals, structures, etc.)
  • Added: Livonia ambient life species
  • Added: Spectrum Device (Jammer / Military / Experimental antennas)*
  • Added: Promet 6.5 mm (regular / GL / MR / SG) (olive / black / geometric / sand)**
  • Added: Promet Modular Sight (olive / black / geometric / sand)**
  • Added: Kozlice 12G (regular / sawed-off)**
  • Added: Mk14 7.62 mm (classic)**
  • Added: AKU-12 7.62 mm (black / arid / lush)**
  • Added: RPK-12 7.62 mm (black / arid / lush)**
  • Added: AK-12 7.62 mm arid / lush spray paint variants (regular / GL)***
  • Added: Mk200 6.5 mm black variant
  • Added: RPG-42 green variant
  • Added: Titan MPRL geometric / olive variants
  • Added: 4-five .45 ACP green variant
  • Added: Mk17 Holosight arid / lush variants
  • Added: ARCO arid / lush variants
  • Added: ARCO AK-zeroed variants
  • Added: DMS old variant
  • Added: DMS Kir-zeroed variant
  • Added: Sound Suppressor (7.62 mm) arid / lush variants
  • Added: Bipod arid / lush variants
  • Added: Compact NVG green variant
  • Added: UAV Terminal [LDF]
  • Added: IR Grenades for LDF / Spetsnaz
  • Added: Military Cargo Platforms
  • Added: Banner (LDF)
  • Added: Flag (LDF)
  • Added: Flag (Livonia)
  • Added: Livonia Whiteboards
  • Added: Maps of Livonia
  • Added: Connector Tents
  • Added: Decon Tents
  • Added: Faction Field Tent variants
  • Added: Faction Medical Tent variants
  • Added: Woodland Camouflage Net variants
  • Added: Research Dome variants
  • Added: Research Dome Panels
  • Added: Research Dome Struts
  • Added: Solar-Powered Tents
  • Added: Scaffolding variant
  • Added: Antidote Kit
  • Added: Brooms
  • Added: Brushes
  • Added: Coiled Hose Sprays
  • Added: Decon Kit
  • Added: Decon Showers
  • Added: Drainage Deck
  • Added: Hazmat Bags
  • Added: Lay-Flat Hoses
  • Added: Pressure Hoses
  • Added: SCBA Cylinders
  • Added: Spill Bunds
  • Added: Spinal Boards
  • Added: Sponges
  • Added: Stretcher Roller System
  • Added: Tarps
  • Added: Trash Bag Holder
  • Added: Walking Frame
  • Added: Water Spills
  • Added: Flexible Solar Panels
  • Added: Satellite Antenna variants
  • Added: Omnidirectional Antennas
  • Added: Portable Weather Stations
  • Added: Power Cables
  • Added: Rechargeable Batteries
  • Added: Rechargeable Battery Packs
  • Added: Rugged Computers
  • Added: Rugged Screen variants
  • Added: Rugged IP Telephones
  • Added: Rugged Laptops
  • Added: Rugged Multi-Screen Computers
  • Added: Rugged Portable Generator variants
  • Added: Rugged Portable Server Units
  • Added: Rugged Routers
  • Added: Rugged Solar Panels
  • Added: Rugged Tablet variants
  • Added: Rugged Portable Cabinets
  • Added: Rugged Portable Desks
  • Added: Rugged Desk Chairs
  • Added: Rugged Portable Lamps
  • Added: Transfer Switch
  • Added: Light Cone VFX
  • Added: Tent Lamps
  • Added: Newspaper
  • Added: Books
  • Added: EMP-Proof Cargo Containers
  • Added: CBRN Packaging
  • Added: Plastic Case variants
  • Added: Tin Foil
  • Added: Garbage Barrels
  • Added: Burnt Garbage
  • Added: CBRN Suit (Blue / MTP / Tropic / White / Woodland / AAF / LDF)**
  • Added: Combination Unit Respirator**
  • Added: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus**
  • Added: NATO APR**
  • Added: CSAT APR (Black / Olive / Sand)**
  • Added: Regulator Facepiece**
  • Added: LDF Combat Fatigues (Standard / Officer / Rolled-up / Tank Top)**
  • Added: LDF Heli Pilot Coveralls
  • Added: LDF turret / drone backpacks
  • Added: Advanced Modular Helmet (Standard / Olive / Ear Protectors / Chops)**
  • Added: LDF Beret
  • Added: LDF Crew Helmets (Standard / Soft / Heli Crew / Heli Pilot / Pilot)
  • Added: Booniehat (Green / Taiga / Woodland / LDF)
  • Added: Military Cap (Green / Taiga / Woodland / LDF)
  • Added: Assault Pack (Geometric / Woodland)
  • Added: Carryall Backpack (Geometric / Green / Taiga / Woodland)
  • Added: Field Pack (Green / Taiga)
  • Added: Kitbag (Green)
  • Added: Radio Pack (Black / AAF / LDF / Green Hex / Hex / MTP / Tropic / Urban / Woodland)**
  • Added: Modular Carrier (Vest Geometric / Vest Olive / GL Rig Geometric / GL Rig Olive / Lite Geometric / Lite Olive)**
  • Added: Granit Suit (B / B Weathered / T / Tracksuit)**
  • Added: Kipchak Vest (Standard / Tactical Radio)**
  • Added: Avenger Helmet (Standard / Cover B / Cover T)**
  • Added: NATO Combat Fatigues (Woodland / Woodland Tee)
  • Added: NATO Recon Fatigues (Woodland)
  • Added: Woodland Combat Helmet (Standard / Light / Enhanced)
  • Added: Woodland Carrier (Rig / GL Rig / Lite / Special)
  • Added: Farmer Outfit
  • Added: Looter Leather Jacket
  • Added: Looter T-Shirt (Black / Olive / Skull / Sport)
  • Added: Scientist Outfit (Formal Blue / Formal White / Informal Red / Informal Black)
  • Added: Tin Foil Hat**
  • Added: Blindfold (Black / White)**
  • Added: LDF soldiers and groups
  • Added: NATO (Woodland) soldiers and groups
  • Added: Spetsnaz operators and groups
  • Added: Looters and groups
  • Added: Scientists
  • Added: 24 Character faces
  • Added: 3 Polish radio protocols
  • Added: 3 Russian radio protocols
  • Added: LDF / Astra / Exercise Electron / Spetsnaz insignia
  • Added: Livonia / LDF / Looters / Spetsnaz / Russia / Astra map markers
  • Added: Tractor (Blue / Green / Red)**
  • Added: ED-1D**
  • Added: ED-1E**
  • Added: Offroad (Covered / Comms as LDF / Green / Black / Forest Rangers / Gendarmerie)**
  • Added: LDF Offroad
  • Added: LDF FV-720
  • Added: LDF Zamak
  • Added: LDF AL-6
  • Added: LDF AR-2
  • Added: LDF UGV
  • Added: LDF WY-55
  • Added: LDF Radar / Defender
  • Added: LDF Mk30 / Mk32 / Mk6 / Titan turrets
  • Added: Van (LDF / LDF Military Police / LDF Ambulance / Astra / Benzyna)
  • Added: Quad Bike (LDF / Forest Rangers)
  • Added: HEMTT (Cargo / Flatbed as Standard / Tropic)
  • Added: Remote Designator (NATO Woodland)
  • Added: ED-1 Tracks
  • Added: ED-1 Wheel
  • Added: Special Measurement Device
  • Added: Black variant of MRD optics
  • Added: LDF AL-6 Case
  • Added: HEMTT Rack
  • Added: COOP 12 Combat Patrol (Livonia)*
  • Added: SC 24 Warlords (Livonia)*
  • Added: Zeus 16+2 Master Livonia (CSAT)*
  • Added: Zeus 16+2 Master Livonia (LDF)*
  • Added: Zeus 16+2 Master Livonia (NATO)*
  • Added: Zeus 48+2 Master Livonia*
  • Added: Contact Welcome Screen
  • Added: Cutscene and ambient animations*
  • Added: Contact in-game music tracks*
  • Added: Contact campaign characters and roles*
  • Added: Livonia topographic map PDF (Digital Deluxe Edition)
  • Added: Contact OST MP3 / FLAC (Digital Deluxe Edition)

* Content requires ownership of Arma 3 Contact expansion.
** Restrictions apply to those who don't own Arma 3 Contact.
*** Restrictions apply to those who don't own Arma 3 Apex.

  • Added: textureSources config property "decals" (an array of texture indices for decals)
  • Added: "camo3" selection to Guerrilla Garment which can hide a bandage from it
  • Added: Ability to hide Field Manual entries by listing them in a mission variable (example: BIS_fnc_advHint_FMHide = ["GlobalTopic_Curator", "EdenUpdate_EdenEditor"];)
  • Added: magazineWells to Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
  • Added: BIS_fnc_spawnOrdered which spawns a given function in the order it was called
  • Added: Regular Jets DLC fighters to the CAS module options
  • Added: Field Manual topics are now labeled by a DLC icon
  • Added: Glass destruction to WY-55 Hellcat, CH-49 Mohawk, and PO-30 Orca
  • Added: MAAWS HEAT 55 round
  • Added: BIS_fnc_turretConfig and BIS_fnc_vehicleCrewTurrets functions
  • Added: BIS_fnc_parseNumberSafe as a safer alternative to BIS_fnc_parseNumber
  • Added: WY-55 ammo box hidden selection and applied the correct ammo box to the LDF variant
  • Added: Livonia compatibility with the Civilian Presence modules
  • Added: Hay impact particle effects and adjusted penetration properties
  • Added: Siren to police variants of Offroad and Van
  • Added: New function BIS_fnc_hasItem to find out if a queried item is in the given inventory or container
  • Tweaked: AK-12 family reload animations
  • Tweaked: Improved AK-12 textures, materials, and model LODs
  • Tweaked: MX rifle firing sounds and sonic cracks
  • Tweaked: Vehicle distance filter configuration
  • Tweaked: RPG-42 reticle zeroing at 500 meters
  • Tweaked: Improved AI tank path-following (using re-tuned AITankSteeringComponent PID controller settings provided by CUP - many thanks!)
  • Tweaked: Muzzle flash colors slightly
  • Tweaked: The AK-12 hand animation when used with a uniform without gloves
  • Tweaked: BIS_fnc_locationDescription now recognizes named locations of type Hill
  • Tweaked: Durability of Cheetah and Panther engines (
  • Tweaked: BIS_fnc_getCloudletParams now returns also values for setParticleCircle
  • Tweaked: Improved the bullet tracing function in Virtual Arsenal with partial support for submunition (i.e. shotgun pellets). The tracing script is now also attached to the currently controlled vehicle so it's possible to track e.g. a cannon shell path.
  • Tweaked: GUI of the colors menu (category is now a drop-down menu instead of a list box)
  • Tweaked: Offroad visual suspension
  • Tweaked: Mk20 visual magazine switch timing
  • Tweaked: Smoothed out the HEMTT exhaust lid animation
  • Tweaked: Leaflet (New) can now use transparent textures
  • Tweaked: Separated siren and beacon light actions for Offroad and Van
  • Tweaked: Reduced reflectivity of Offroad's interior metal parts that were standing out too much
  • Tweaked: Removed direct references to DLC Bundle 1 and DLC Bundle 2 (dummy mods) from the game
  • Fixed: UCAV Sentinel shadows at lower LODs
  • Fixed: Field Manual records for unowned Jets Premium Assets did not display correctly
  • Fixed: An incorrect textureSources texture for B_Truck_01_box_F
  • Fixed: ARCO (Black) had a wrong picture (
  • Fixed: Components and liveries were not auto-selected for some vehicles in Garage and for all vehicles on load and import
  • Fixed: Missing red texture for karts
  • Fixed: One of the PO-30 Orca windows was still visible when the doors were hidden
  • Fixed: Saved custom loadouts are now correctly compared against available Arsenal gear, and incompatible loadouts are disabled
  • Fixed: Arsenal Import and Export buttons are now correctly available when applicable in MP
  • Fixed: Importing an Arsenal loadout was not removing old assigned items
  • Fixed: Arsenal was not adding a battery to Laser Designators
  • Fixed: Exporting and then importing the same loadout in Arsenal was removing one magazine
  • Fixed: Weapon magazines were not saved with exported Arsenal loadouts correctly
  • Fixed: Laser Designator batteries were not saved with exported Arsenal loadouts
  • Fixed: Weapons with grenade launchers were missing secondary muzzle magazines in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Weapons were not getting magazines if a unit had no containers in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Various script errors in Virtual Arsenal
  • Fixed: The Offroad driver's ability to switch to other seats
  • Fixed: Mechanic Clothes had a visible scarf in first person view (
  • Fixed: The terrain class name was shown in the death screen instead of the display name (thanks POLPOX and
  • Fixed: The ADR-97 magazines author name in Virtual Arsenal was incorrect (
  • Fixed: Character orientation while climbing ladders of the Airfield Control Tower, adjusted the width of the ladder to match the climbing animation, and added some extra AI positions in the Path LOD (
  • Fixed: Missing string RPT errors
  • Fixed: Rogue AI position on the Airfield Control Tower
  • Fixed: Story subtitles no longer ignore the subtitle options
  • Fixed: There was not enough space for the DLC icons in the main menu
  • Fixed: GL magazines were not removed in Arsenal when a weapon was removed
  • Fixed: NATO Pacific Light AT soldiers were using the wrong MX magazine
  • Fixed: NATO Pacific Team Leaders were missing GPS
  • Fixed: SPAR-16S is now using a proper reload animation when loading STANAG 30rnd magazines
  • Fixed: Duplicated magazines in Zeus ammo box UI
  • Fixed: Hidden magazines (scope = 1) are no longer automatically added when selecting a weapon in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Randomizing loadouts in Arsenal can no longer add hidden weapon attachments
  • Fixed: A looping error caused by an undefined variable at the start of the Paradise Found scenario
  • Fixed: Cover Map module was broken (
  • Fixed: 100 round magazines no longer count as required items for The East Wind missions (
  • Fixed: Glass impact particle effects now also take into the account surface normals, instead of just flying straight into the player's face
  • Fixed: Micro-freeze after confirming Game Options caused by scanning the whole config instead of a specific GUI display
  • Fixed: Scopes, suppressors, bipods and lasers in inventory containers resulted in disabled loadouts in arsenal (General Discussion - Dev-Branch)
  • Fixed: Hidden one of the rogue Kitbag AI fillers from Virtual Arsenal
  • Fixed: Respirator soft shadows
  • Fixed: Personality was not correctly applied to Bandit Clothes (Polo Shirt) (
  • Fixed: Smoke launcher is now using SoundSet technology (fixing the missing tails sample)
  • Fixed: Editor previews for Combat Patrol units (
  • Fixed: Walking slowly while crouched with a lowered sidearm was producing no sounds
  • Fixed: Enabled hidden selections on the FV-720 Mora Wreck
  • Fixed: When a task sent to BIS_fnc_taskParent did not exist, the returned value was incorrectly objNull, not an empty string
  • Fixed: Some incorrectly colored weapon magazines in The East Wind campaign
  • Fixed: Gendarmerie Offroad (Covered) was missing its police beacons
  • Fixed: Guerrilla Smocks' hands
  • Fixed: AKM drum magazine was using the wrong reload action
  • Fixed: Leaflet dropping function (
  • Fixed: Two Pacific CSAT mechanized groups were using the deprecated (pre-interior) variant of MSE-3 Marid
  • Fixed: An undefined variable error when exporting inventory with a weapon without a magazine in a scheduled script environment with BIS_fnc_exportInventory
  • Fixed: Rook-40 reload animations so the bolt no longer travels back with the slide, but rather moves down after every shot (
  • Fixed: Script error when attempting to TRY weapon attachments from the DLC Content Browser
  • Fixed: Offroad dashboard artifacts when the HBAO settings is turned on
  • Fixed: Some assets were missing the author tag
  • Fixed: Error when loading Showcase Tank Destroyers from a save (a restart of the showcase may be needed as old saves could be corrupted) (
  • Fixed: Reflective stripes on Van (Ambulance) were missing from the camo1 selection
  • Fixed: Script error when choosing a random Arsenal loadout (General Discussion - Dev branch)


  • Added: 48-player version of the Whole Altis Warlords scenario
  • Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum)
  • Added: Long-range AA defense assets (SAM sites and radars)
  • Added: Autonomous defenses are now limited to 3 per player
  • Added: A parameter for the maximum Command Points
  • Added: A custom offset parameter for Defenses
  • Added: Friendly Fire protection for requested assets (first 3 minutes after being requested)
  • Added: Filter for Global Mobilization assets in Arsenal
  • Added: Mass dismissal of subordinates
  • Added: Sector scan cool-down parameter
  • Added: CH-67 Huron and Mi-290 Taru are now purchasable by players
  • Tweaked: The costs of planes were increased
  • Changed: Most requested assets are now locked by default and can be unlocked either directly via the Action menu or through the Strategy tab in the Request menu
  • Changed: SAM site costs were significantly increased
  • Changed: createVehicleLocal replaced with createSimpleObject (with local parameter)
  • Changed: Garbage Collector update
  • Changed: Player's icon is now shown on the map as well as AI players
  • Changed: The subordinates limit for 32-player versions of Stratis and Malden Warlords scenarios was raised to 6
  • Changed: AI units are now added to the Garbage Collector if they get lost somewhere
  • Changed: Subordinates limit for the 32 player Altis Warlords scenario
  • Changed: You will no longer be able to place static defenses when there are enemies nearby
  • Fixed: Removed Mine dispensers from Arsenal (performance issues)
  • Fixed: Various script errors
  • Fixed: Consecutive Friendly Fire is no longer ignored
  • Fixed: Garrison vehicles would spawn inside a building in the large Altis Warlords scenario

Eden Editor

  • Added: Eden Editor now offers a summary of all entities used in a scenario, which can be accessed via Scenario > Statistics
  • Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was not saving vehicle textures correctly
  • Fixed: Some waypoint types were not exported correctly by Eden Editor's export to SQF
  • Fixed: Various new prop Editor previews
  • Fixed: Faces, voices, and insignia are ignored when checking compatible loadouts in Eden Editor or when loading custom loadouts in Eden Editor


  • Fixed: Possible script error with an undefined variable in the Disintegration Point scenario



  • Added: calculatePath script command
  • Added: PathCalculated entity Event Handler
  • Added: addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo and addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal script commands
  • Added: A base ammo Event Handler to the default weapon in order to improve community mod compatibility
  • Added: getAudioOptionVolumes and getSubtitleOptions script commands
  • Added: Setting lobbyIdleTimeout to 0 in the server config turns off kicking players from the lobby if they are inactive
  • Added: Setting kickTimeout timer values to 0 in the server config turns the feature off
  • Added: "#exec clearkicks" and "#exec unkick" commands for server admins (equivalents for clearbans and unban to complement the kickTimeout server param)
  • Added: Optional local parameter for createSimpleObject so it is possible to create local-only simple objects in MP in order to compensate for the restricted createVehicleLocal
  • Added: Alternative syntax to isLightOn for retrieving the state of search lights (lights defined in turrets - e.g. on WY-55 Hellcat)
    • Example: isLightOn [cameraOn, [0]]
  • Added: Optional parameter for addWeaponItem for instant loading of magazines into a weapon
    • Example: player addWeaponItem ["arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F", "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", true];
  • Tweaked: Default values for timeout were changed to: votingTimeOut=1 min, roleTimeOut=90 s, briefingTimeOut=1 min, debriefingTimeOut=45 s
  • Tweaked: The default value for lobbyIdleTimeout=0 s (turned off by default)
  • Tweaked: Server browser protocol (v3) to support optional DLC
  • Fixed: Using waitUntil with nil made the script enter a state of infinite suspension
  • Fixed: Return values on failure for many script commands
  • Fixed: Players were able to reconnect even after a kickTimeout was set
  • Fixed: Admins could be kicked with lobbyIdleTimeout set in the server config
  • Fixed: lobbyIdleTimeout would kick Headless Clients
  • Fixed: Crash when assigning targets to a group
  • Fixed: Simple expression interpolate would not work correctly when fromStart > fromEnd
  • Fixed: createVehicleCrew would always create a new group for missing crew instead of adding the crew into the original group
  • Fixed: Simple expression eval would not properly interpolate the right side of the function
  • Fixed: setGroupIconsVisible and hcShowBar returned objectNull instead of null
  • Fixed: setCustomSoundController returned 0 instead of false upon failure
  • Fixed: When kicking a player via the server's onHackedData / onUnsignedData Event Handlers, kickTimeout type 0 was always used
  • Fixed: When kicking a player via the server's onHackedData / onUnsignedData Event Handlers, only very basic logging was provided
  • Fixed: ctrlChecked would not return a Boolean
  • Fixed: addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo(Global) would not always work if an empty string was used with some of the parameters
  • Fixed: RPT spam randomly caused by a broken network message
  • Fixed: Setting of a value for briefing/debriefing/role/votingTimeout using a number
  • Fixed: lobbyIdleTimeout kicks are now registered as kickTimeout's type 1 issue (connectivity issues) rather than type 0 (bad player behavior, kicks, hacks)
  • Fixed: LODs could glitch when a weapon is using hidden selection materials (
  • Fixed: Headless Clients are no longer taken into account when voting
  • Fixed: Headless Clients are no longer taken into account when switching server states (
  • Fixed: Crash in the dynamic simulation
  • Fixed: Inconsistent behavior of weaponsItems and weaponsItemsCargo commands. The array will always contain 7 items now (including primaryMuzzleMag and secondaryMuzzleMag even if they're empty).
  • Fixed: Servers with missionsToServerRestart=1 would skip the debriefing after missionEnd
  • Fixed: SAM missiles could cause the game to freeze for a few seconds in certain situations
  • Fixed: Potential memory corruption when creating an empty string
  • Fixed: CTD when calling ropeCreate (
  • Fixed: Potential CTD when calling entities
  • Fixed: Potential CTD when processing AI



  • Added: Optional DLC support in the Server Browser
  • Added: Arma 3 Contact to the DLC section
  • Added: PLAY CONTACT button for Contact owners (intended to play the singleplayer experience)
  • Added: Support for Contact (Platform) and Contact in the Server Browser
  • Fixed: DLC folders are automatically ignored as folder for mods



  • Fixed: Server crash in the voting system
  • Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.94)
  • Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.94)
    • The data in -mod=contact is not fully multiplayer compatible (it is meant for the singleplayer campaign experience); we recommend only hosting servers with it for special use cases
      • This data is signed by a new A3C key whose presence can be used to control what client data is allowed on the server
    • Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
    • Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
    • Try adding -mod=curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;enoch to your arma3server.exe shortcut






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