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Arma 3 Patch 1.04


  • Added: Campaign episode “Survive”
    • We recommend not using active mods - or at least accept that we cannot influence their effects on the campaign.
    • Consider checking for data corruption by verifying local data in the Steam client.
  • Added: 3 new music “Survive” tracks
  • Added: Rahim marksman rifle - bullpup 7.62 (CSAT)
  • Added: Zubr .45 revolver (CSAT)
  • Added: 4-Five .45 pistol (NATO)
  • Added: MRD and Yorris pistol collimators
  • Added: DMS marksman scope
  • Added: 'Scrapping' objects:
    • Decommissioned hunter
    • Boxes
    • Pallets
    • Misc. scrap
  • Added: Wooden tables
  • Added: Small objects (courtesy of the DayZ stand-alone team):
    • Canteen
    • Water bottle
    • Baked beans
    • Cereal box
    • Powdered milk
    • Rice
    • Antibiotics
    • Bandages
    • Blood bag
    • Defibrillator
    • Disinfectant spray
    • Pain killers
    • Vitamin bottle
    • Water purification tablets
    • Duct tape
    • Batteries
    • Box of matches
    • Butane canister
    • Butane torch
    • Heatpack
    • Gas cooker
    • Gas canister (medium)
    • Can opener
    • Tin container
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Shovel
    • Metal wire
  • Added: Story characters, uniforms and vests
  • Added: 4 British-accented English Radio Protocols
  • Fixed: Vehicle equipment loads
  • Sandstorm has a correct texture for its turret
  • Fixed: Panther collision issue
  • Improved: Physics setup of Panther
  • Fixed: Reduced moire effect in MBT gunner optics
  • Added: New muzzle flash to Slammer
  • Fixed: Slammer accelerating too fast
  • Fixed: Slammer should have 5 forward gears
  • Fixed: Scorcher 'jumping' sometimes
  • Added: New type muzzle flash for tanks (applied on T-100)
  • Improved: Varsuk driving physics
  • Tweaked: Brakes of tracked vehicles
  • Improved: Damage handling on wheeled APCs
  • Tweaked: 120mm cannon firing effect
  • Fixed: Zamak driver can get in again, and also die
  • Fixed: Positions of active UI elements in Mk6 and Scorcher
  • Fixed: Color and shadow of the range indicator in armored vehicles
  • Fixed: TI issues of Mi-48 and Ka-60
  • Tweaked: Elevation limit for Mi-48 gunner
  • Turret of Mi-48 Kajman has correct axis for horizontal rotation (strictly vertical to make AI hit something)
  • Fixed: XH-9 family of helicopters doesn't produce strong shake in external view anymore
  • Fixed: TI issues on the Orca’s rockets
  • Fixed: Speedboat commander localization
  • Gunner of SDV is now able to turn his head correctly
  • Added: Compass to UGV and SDV
  • Fixed: Correct classes for SDV divers
  • Cargo of Stomper shows their NVG properly
  • Engine of SUV can be correctly hit now
  • New command bar and map icons for the Buzzard
  • Entering Offroad from the back no longer results in teleporting to the front
  • Improved: Kamysh driving model
  • Fixed: Levitating wheels on civilian trucks
  • Fixed: Mapped different light material on back lights of civilian trucks
  • Fixed: Added fire geometry components behind the glass of the front lights of civilian trucks
  • Fixed: Front lights positioning on box truck
  • Fixed: Fuel tank hitpoints and wheel hitpoints of civilian trucks
  • Fixed: MX SW should have even the "Single" fire mode
  • ABR has correct fire mode switch animation
  • Tweak: New recoils for ACP-C2
  • Fixed: Weapons placed in WeaponHolder_Single_F should remain visible even on edge of view
  • Fixed: Camera shake for static weapons has been adjusted
  • Fixed: BLUFOR mortar can be properly assembled
  • Static weapons are properly set to accept bipods / tripods from other sides
  • Adjusted deflection for various GL ammo types
  • Decreased damage, range and weight of demo charges (it was too huge and devastating for its purposes - -  and caused capacity issues for BLUFOR divers)
  • Added: Correct textures and icons for some unused but still present vest classes
  • No more launchers in backpacks
  • Side-specific static weapon backpacks are distinguished in editor
  • Added correct backpacks to static weapons per sides
  • Slightly increased mass of 7.62mm, .408 and 12.7mm ammo magazines to better match their RL weight and somewhat increase the important differences between magazines used. Soldier loads should be unaffected.
  • Increased Kitbag weight and capacity to better match its model size and to bring more diversity amongst bags
  • Increased tactical pack weight and capacity to better match its model size and to bring more diversity amongst bags
  • Increased weight of mines and mine detector to better match their real values
  • Changed explosives specialists bag types
  • Increased Independent ghillie suit weight and capacity to resolve issue with spotters not having a Claymore
  • Fixed: Some discrepancies between vest models and their capacities
  • Introduced some diversity amongst vest types in their weight and capacity
  • Independent diver has an adjusted outfit
  • Rangemaster and competitor have been trained to be able to throw grenades
  • Fixed: Configuration issue (
  • Introduced more diversity into already existing vests:
    • Light (Lite) variants with lesser weight and armor 
    • Medium variants (Rig) with better armor and medium variants (GL) with better explosive protection 
    • Heavy variant for BLUFOR (Special) with limited capacity and greater weight
  • Fixed: Clipping through ladders in offices
  • Various ladder tweaks
  • Fixed: Gap between ground and bottom edge of the gate of research domes
  • Fixed: Shadow of plastic chairs now behaves better
  • Hotfix to prevent AI from firing at camonets
  • Damage to windows no longer transfer to total damage (to prevent buildings with many windows from taking excessive damage from explosives)
  • Improved visuals of the power generator object
  • Several bug fixes for Altis (e.g. object clipping or objects on roads)
  • Runway lights have been tweaked
  • Configured featureSize for LandMark_F to prevent runway lights from fading too soon
  • Fixed: "Treat yourself" was not localized (
  • Better textures for OPFOR and Independent divers
  • Fixed: Blinking of buoy and helipad
  • Fixed: Path to bomb falling sound
  • Fixed: Duplicated class names in music selection list
  • Added: Missing radio track
  • Fixed: Fire damage from fire created by script
  • ORBAT and rolling credits updated with new names for new content
  • Disabled obsolete music volume dimming during rolling credits
  • Credits display now destroyed correctly when it ends
  • Fixed: Bug with closing of rolling credits automatically soon after its start
  • Fixed: Conversations weren't terminated fast enough after one of the participants died
  • Cinema border function is now 'spawned' (can be also ‘called’ by designer)
  • Fixed: Missing tasks for clients Joined In Progress with disabled AI in Headhunters and both Escape missions
  • Disabled obsolete diagnostics in some showcases
  • Name of Showcase SCUBA is now correct in Czech
  • Fixed: Some modules were activated too early, leading to breaking Seize missions
  • Firing Drills: map briefings disabled where they should not be
  • Added: New lowering of weapons
  • Adjusted left walking for erc / knl states
  • Adjusted weapon sway of binoculars ( - thanks to MadDogX)
  • When dying, camera will follow head movement
  • Lip sync slowed down, slightly visually improved
  • Added: More eye-pleasing disabled color of RscTree
  • Added: New aspect ratios to Video Options
  • Radio Protocol messages now have different visualization than narrative messages
  • Chat messages use narrative visualization instead of Radio Protocol
  • Texture of explosion particles has been improved
  • Refraction effect for destruction flames added


  • Added: Light Shaft technology
  • Enabled new rain tech
    • Particles for individual rain drops
    • Influence by wind
    • Global and local lighting
    • Proper occlusion (e.g. no rain under object geometries)
  • Drawing of lens flares tweaked in engine
  • Clouds can not be disabled fully in Video Options anymore (caused artifacts and did not result in significant performance gain)
  • Sun lens flare occlusion tweaked
  • Fixed: Occlusion queries when using PiP
  • Fixed: Creation of MSAA depth / stencil buffer on DX10-only cards
  • Disabled search for primary monitor if position is set by command-line parameters (posX / posY)
  • #lightpoint objects are now correctly serialized
  • Removed wave computations for some unnecessary cases
  • AI-controlled turrets lead targets better
  • Small aiming inaccuracy for helicopter turrets fixed
  • Decreased AI time spent on tracking of friendly and known units
  • AI GMG gunners are now better able to attack soldiers on buildings
  • Target bearing is no longer based on formation direction
  • Added: Instructor Figure switch to Game Options
  • Fixed: Repair icon position
  • Fixed: Accessing Campaign menu stops the world scene
  • Fixed: Campaign menu did not refresh when getting back from a scenario
  • Note: Scenarios now show the map briefing even when no briefing.html (outdated method) is present
  • Fixed: If mission is reverted turn it into non-complete state (UI)
  • Fixed: hudInfo heading (compass should be shown correctly in turrets)
  • Fixed: Mouse over description used descriptionShort twice
  • Added: 3rd level for Campaign scenario tree
  • Fixed: Vest gets its duplicate when client takes them from non-local container (
  • Event handler Put added also into UnmountItemFromWeapon to inventory and UnmountWeapon to inventory
  • Event Take was added into taking backpack from a ground to a backpack slot action
  • Fixed: Subordinates can work with squad leader's equipment
  • Fixed: Vest gets duplicated when client takes it from non-local dead body
  • Fixed: Unable to DnD weapon optics from inventory
  • Fixed: Binoculars were invisible in inventory
  • Fixed: Cannot retrieve weapon items/vests/headgear/uniform/backpack from player immediately after death
  • Fixed: Introduce new scripting command to return all backpack containers (everyBackpack)
  • Fixed: EventHandler from remote corpse did not work (
  • Fixed: MP AT soldiers could have an infinite count of rockets
  • Fixed: Replacing weapons created duplicates in some circumstances
  • Fixed: Replacing weapons with a magazine destroyed linked weapons in some circumstances
  • Fixed: A throwable weapon is now properly selected after taking a sidearm
  • Fixed: A bug where RMB multiplied magazines from the weapon magazine slot after loading a savegame
  • Fixed: Taking a sidearm could break the weapon info
  • Added: New scripting commands were added magazinesDetailUniformmagazinesDetailVestmagazinesDetailBackpack
  • New scripting commands added (add, remove, canAddItem from / to uniformvestbackpack -
  • New scripting commands added (uniformContainervestContainerbackpackContainer -
  • Scripting commands addItemsToXYZ can add also magazines and weapons now
  • Vests should now correctly refresh when getting changed
  • Save / Load while reloading doesn't break the game anymore. Older saves might not work correctly.
  • Fixed: Crash opportunity after calling removeSimpleTask
  • Fixed: Potential PhysX crash
  • Fixed: Crash related to paragliding in MP
  • Fixed: CTD when lasing a target with an UAV as a team leader
  • Fixed: CTD when changing Video Options
  • Fixed: Game crashed when switching weapons in unarmed helicopters
  • Fixed: playNextMagazineSound crash (while trying to add a magazine to an empty weapon slot)
  • Scripting commands addItemCargo and addItemCargoGlobal can add also magazines and weapons now
  • Fixed: Display eventhandlers being duplicated after restarting a mission
  • Fixed: Parachute animation (strange black surfaces between wires)
  • Fixed: Player now cannot enter vehicles while healing / being healed
  • Fixed: More precise water surface for particles
  • Fixed: Swimming at water surface
  • Fixed: Change indirect grenade damage behind cover
  • Fixed: Camera zoom when in gunner position and controlling UAV
  • Fixed: Airplane auto-landing
  • Fixed: getVariable [var, default] returns default, if value of var is nil
  • Fixed: The deleteVehicle command on a UAV now also deletes the AI crew in it
  • Fixed: A rocket fired from AT stayed in the launcher
  • Fixed: Save / load of air units circling around using a Loiter waypoint
  • Added: Separate action for healing yourself and healing your comrade (to allow separate animation eventually)
  • Added: Proposal for change in attachment configuration design for weapons (
  • Added: New commands addScoreSide and forceRespawn
  • Memory allocation tweak for road networks
  • Assemble base can now be an array. It remembers the assemble base for disassembly, so static weapons can use compatible parts from different actions and remember what part is from what source.
  • Vehicles with allowDamage set to false will no longer explode
  • Updated wheels' center of mass for PhysX vehicles
  • Script commands setCausticsParamssetSkyFogColorationStartsetHorizonSunColorationScale, setHorizonFogColorationStart are not available anymore (were only meant for debugging purposes)
  • No longer allowing the assembling of UAV and static weapons during freefall
  • Added: New airplane rudderInfluence parameter
  • Maximum number of servers listed in MP is changed back to 500 (unfortunately there is no way around this for now)
  • Markers created on Dedicated Servers are now JIP compatible
  • Sound: Improved MP 3D sound playback
  • Sound: Added sound event for changing fire mode action (just in engine: changeFiremodeSound - not yet plugged into data)

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