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Arma 3 Patch 0.52


    Showcase SCUBA:
        More forgiving alarm threshold 
        Added more hints
        Improved scenario endings
        More rockets for the launcher added
    Showcase Helicopters:
        Performance optimizations
        Few minor tweaks
    Showcase Vehicles:
        More forgiving alarm threshold
        Few minor tweaks
    MP: Escape from Stratis
        Fixed: Mission success after resuming game
        'Combat Get In' module added
        Respawn time is now 30 seconds (was 120)
        Improved mission endings
        New task appears when both choppers on the airfield are destroyed
        New mission ending "all boats and helicopters destroyed"
        Warning hint pops up when the group leader is AI controlled
        Patrolling Ka-60 Black now unloads troops when under fire
        More enemies at the airfield
        Some new map locations populated
    MP: Headhunters
        "Exfiltrate" task is now set as current after all targets are eliminated
        The mission will now end when either all players are near the exfil marker or in a boat
        'Combat Get In' module added
        Possible respawn desync in multiplayer fixed
    New scenario ending screen added
    Task notification visuals improved
    Seagull in "BIRD", "GROUP" and "SIDE" respawn replaced by a basic spectator camera
    Scenarios-button now always available, even when there's no content
    Added more entries into Field Manual
    Compass and watch re-sized
    Ka-60 minigun now rotates
    Ka-60 doors and glass made correctly penetrable
    MH-9 passengers can now see the tail
    Helicopter weapons tweaked
    Class names for Ifrits changed to be the correct ones
    Alamut and MX SW now have correct icons in command menu
    Countermeasures now stored in one magazine per vehicle
    Correct Alpha Lite logo in splash screens added
    Most windows in houses are now destructable
    Static weapons should be more durable, shouldn't be targetable by guided missiles and shouldn't be flippable by user action when destroyed
    Added more camoflage selections for vests and helmets
    Red faction uniforms have proper class names
    Changed priorities in action menu
    TRG iron-sights remodeled after feedback
    Collimator sights are now default primary on combined optics (Ctrl + RMB is the default switch)
    Camera shake on 6.5mm ammunition removed
    Server browser UI overlapping fixed in some places
    Squad URL is no longer automatically upper-cased (and thus broken)
    Editor loading took long when using MX rifles - fixed
    Added freelook in vehicles via default option
    Correct tracer colors have been distributed among factions
    Fish should be less inclined to travel on land


    Shadow improvements implemented
    Improved network performance (vehicles are no longer lagging as much)
    Fixed several game crashes
    Fixed synchronization of cargo poses in MP
    Fixed various inventory-related bugs and crashes
    Improved vehicle collisions
    Grenades can no longer be thrown under water
    Fixed airplane / helicopter camera shaking
    Default and Development versions have different numbering to prevent incompatibilities in multiplayer


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